The parks of Chisinau

Old men playing chess on bench in fornt of the souvenir market

Old men playing chess on bench in fornt of the souvenir market

People playing on a giant chess game in the entrence of Nativity Cathedral Park

People playing on a giant chess game in the entrence of Nativity Cathedral Park

Statue of Stefan Cel Mare at the gate of its park

Statue of Stefan Cel Mare at the gate of its park

A bride and her maids of honor getting ready for a photo shoot

A bride and her maids of honor getting ready for a photo shoot

Young kid looking up at the bust of Pushkin 

Young kid looking up at the bust of Pushkin 

Light piercing through the leaves as the sunset 

Light piercing through the leaves as the sunset 

Woman pushing a stroller a the end of a cold winter day

Woman pushing a stroller a the end of a cold winter day