Blockpost at the entrance of Dontesk
Separatist manning a checkpoint at the entrance of Donetsk
Walkway along the Kalmius reservoir
People sitting in front of Donetsk Regional Building
Man crossing the esplanade of Donetsk train station
Young woman looking at her friend in military uniform at a rally
Soldier from the personal guard of Denis Pushilin looking over the stage and the crowd
Old women gardening in the regional administrative building's park
Soldiers of the Vostok Battalion taking over the city center
Separatist guarding the access to the Regional Administrative Building in Donetsk
Vostok Battalion soldier resting on a chair with his gun tucked underneath his forearm
A man being arrested by armed separatists
Christian Orthodoxe procession blessing a neighborhood of Donetsk
Two men holding a Russian flag and an other one from the USSR underneath a statue of Lenin
Political rally on Lenin Square
Chairman of the self proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin in front of the cameras
People living near Donetsk airport talking about an ammo casing they found near their property and the shells flying over their homes every night
Separatist firing from his blokpost in the vague direction of Donetsk Airport
Women meeting with the pro-russian soldiers at a party thrown in their honor
Pro-russian separatists sheltering in their bunker outside of Marinka during shelling
Separatists soldiers eating in their bunker
Looters being arrested by DNR soldiers
Looters helping the DNR patrol to retrieve the remains of a man killed two nights before
Kids playing under the watch of their mothers in one of Donetsk's numerous park
Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash site the day after it was shot down
Pro-Russian soldiers looking over the remains of MH17 passengers scattered accross debris of the plane
The remains of a MH17 passenger still strapped to his seat
A wooden stick with a white ribbon marking the emplacement of one of the 298 persons who perished on board of the MH17
Pro-Russian separatist cheering from the top of his BTR on its way to battle
Separatist soldier looking at destroy Ukrainian tank from Azov Battalion
Remains of Azov Battalion tank crewmen who have been laid down next to thier destroyed vehicle
Donetsk inhabitants going back to their days after aritlery hit the city
A man holding a piece of the GRAD rocket that has just destroyed his home
Remains of a man laying on the sidewalk after he has been killed by shrapnel
People carry a stretcher with a dead man after shelling by the Ukrainian forces in Makiivka
A pro-Russian rebel holds a Russian national flag near a damaged GRAD luncher from the Ukrainian army during an exhibition in the central square of Donetsk
Kids taking pictures on top of a destroyed Ukrainian BTR exposed on Lenin Square
Pro-Russian rebel reading a propaganda newspaper while sitting on a howitzer piece captured from the Ukrainian Forces put on display for inhabitants of Donetsk to see
Ukrainian prisoners of war being escorted back to a bus after have been marched down the streets of Donetsk as war trophies
Local residents stand infront of the building where they live after a shelling in Donetsk
Hearse parked in front of Donetsk morgue
Family of a pro-russian rebel morning over his coffin during the military ceremony
Rebel sniper from the Patriot Battalion scouting from his checkpoint located near the front line
Woman standing next to her house as Aleksei walks towards the front line position hold by his men
Russian backed separatist smoking at his fortified position on the front line
Fighters from the Patriot Battalion playing backgammon while smoking and having coffee on the front line
"Blondinki", 19, kissing his RPG launcher and calling it he's girlfriend as he mess around with his comrades
Local children holding toy guns stand at the MH17 crash site
Russia-backed separatists sit atop an APC with a flag of the self-proclaimed Federal State of Novorossiya at the MH17 crash site a year after it was shot down
Local residents holding flowers and flags of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic attend the one year memorial ceremony at the crash site of the Malaysian Airlines MH17
Rebel leaders Alexander Zakharchenko, second right, and Denis Pushilin, third right, arrive at the memorial ceremony at the crash site of the Malaysian Airlines MH17
Blockpost at the entrance of Dontesk
Separatist manning a checkpoint at the entrance of Donetsk
Walkway along the Kalmius reservoir
People sitting in front of Donetsk Regional Building
Man crossing the esplanade of Donetsk train station
Young woman looking at her friend in military uniform at a rally
Soldier from the personal guard of Denis Pushilin looking over the stage and the crowd
Old women gardening in the regional administrative building's park
Soldiers of the Vostok Battalion taking over the city center
Separatist guarding the access to the Regional Administrative Building in Donetsk
Vostok Battalion soldier resting on a chair with his gun tucked underneath his forearm
A man being arrested by armed separatists
Christian Orthodoxe procession blessing a neighborhood of Donetsk
Two men holding a Russian flag and an other one from the USSR underneath a statue of Lenin
Political rally on Lenin Square
Chairman of the self proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin in front of the cameras
People living near Donetsk airport talking about an ammo casing they found near their property and the shells flying over their homes every night
Separatist firing from his blokpost in the vague direction of Donetsk Airport
Women meeting with the pro-russian soldiers at a party thrown in their honor
Pro-russian separatists sheltering in their bunker outside of Marinka during shelling
Separatists soldiers eating in their bunker
Looters being arrested by DNR soldiers
Looters helping the DNR patrol to retrieve the remains of a man killed two nights before
Kids playing under the watch of their mothers in one of Donetsk's numerous park
Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash site the day after it was shot down
Pro-Russian soldiers looking over the remains of MH17 passengers scattered accross debris of the plane
The remains of a MH17 passenger still strapped to his seat
A wooden stick with a white ribbon marking the emplacement of one of the 298 persons who perished on board of the MH17
Pro-Russian separatist cheering from the top of his BTR on its way to battle
Separatist soldier looking at destroy Ukrainian tank from Azov Battalion
Remains of Azov Battalion tank crewmen who have been laid down next to thier destroyed vehicle
Donetsk inhabitants going back to their days after aritlery hit the city
A man holding a piece of the GRAD rocket that has just destroyed his home
Remains of a man laying on the sidewalk after he has been killed by shrapnel
People carry a stretcher with a dead man after shelling by the Ukrainian forces in Makiivka
A pro-Russian rebel holds a Russian national flag near a damaged GRAD luncher from the Ukrainian army during an exhibition in the central square of Donetsk
Kids taking pictures on top of a destroyed Ukrainian BTR exposed on Lenin Square
Pro-Russian rebel reading a propaganda newspaper while sitting on a howitzer piece captured from the Ukrainian Forces put on display for inhabitants of Donetsk to see
Ukrainian prisoners of war being escorted back to a bus after have been marched down the streets of Donetsk as war trophies
Local residents stand infront of the building where they live after a shelling in Donetsk
Hearse parked in front of Donetsk morgue
Family of a pro-russian rebel morning over his coffin during the military ceremony
Rebel sniper from the Patriot Battalion scouting from his checkpoint located near the front line
Woman standing next to her house as Aleksei walks towards the front line position hold by his men
Russian backed separatist smoking at his fortified position on the front line
Fighters from the Patriot Battalion playing backgammon while smoking and having coffee on the front line
"Blondinki", 19, kissing his RPG launcher and calling it he's girlfriend as he mess around with his comrades
Local children holding toy guns stand at the MH17 crash site
Russia-backed separatists sit atop an APC with a flag of the self-proclaimed Federal State of Novorossiya at the MH17 crash site a year after it was shot down
Local residents holding flowers and flags of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic attend the one year memorial ceremony at the crash site of the Malaysian Airlines MH17
Rebel leaders Alexander Zakharchenko, second right, and Denis Pushilin, third right, arrive at the memorial ceremony at the crash site of the Malaysian Airlines MH17